Call Attorney Matthew Ruff Toll Free at (877) 213-4453
for a Free Confidential Consultation and Review of Your DUI Arrest
(You will not be passed off to a legal assistant or paralegal)
When a person consumes an alcoholic beverage the person's body will take some time to absorb the alcohol. The science behind absorption consists of various studies and the scientific community has generally accepted the fact that after consumption the body will fully absorb the beverage within 15 minutes to 2 hours. The BAC chart below utilizes averages. What you should understand is that not everyone is "average", therefore if you have been arrested for a DUI or drunk driving you should consult a lawyer experienced in the defense of these cases.
It is important to understand that numerous factors affect any calculation of a person's blood alcohol level. Scientific studies have concluded that the following variables are useful in making any BAC calculation:
Height, weight, age and sex of the defendant
Food ingested and time of ingestation
Alcoholic beverages consumed (including volume, alcohol content of each beverage and time of ingestion)
State of the defendant's health (as it affects stomach emptying and normal functioniong of the liver, the possibility of contamination from stomach disorders, etc.)
Injury, if any, sustained in any accident related to the arrest
Time of the arrest
Any tests for blood alcohol, including time of the test
Complete protocol (analytical procedures) for the tests
How To Calculate Your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) For One Hour Of Drinking:
. Locate the line on the BAC chart that corresponds to your body weight.
. From left to right, each square represents one drink.
. The first dark line to the right indicates a BAC of .04, which indicates impairment.
. The second dark line to the right indicates a BAC of .08, which is considered legal intoxication or "drunk" in most states.
To Calculate Your BAC Over A Longer Period Of Time:
. Add the total amount of drinks consumed.
. From that total, subtract 1 drink for each hour of drinking. In other words, your body will burn off approximately 1 drink per hour.
Drinking Guidelines:
When drinking, consider that each of the following drinks contain the same amount of alcohol: A 12 ounce beer, a 6 ounce glass of wine, a shot of whiskey or tequila. Some beers, such as IPA, have a slightly higher alcohol content.
Alcohol Facts for men and Women
Our bodies eliminate alcohol at an average rate of .015% per hour. A person who drinks slowly-about one drink
an hour- will not become significantly intoxicated. Generally, if a woman drinks the same amount of alcohol as
does a man of the same weight, a woman will have a higher BAC than the man. Because men tend to have more
muscle tissue than women, a dose of alcohol is more diluted in a man, and more concentrated in a women.